
Why own a Lakefront property in Big Bear? These properties are highly sought after for their picturesque views, recreational opportunities, and the peaceful atmosphere that they provide.

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Living on the lake is a dream woven with enchantment and exclusivity, where every sunrise serenades you with the gentle rhythm of the waves and each twilight gifts you with a mesmerizing canvas of colors reflecting on the water. However, the charm of lakefront living also presents its own array of hurdles. If you're considering a lakefront property in Big Bear, it's crucial to keep in mind some key factors. Depending on your location, investing in a dock or boatlift can make accessing the water a breeze! Additionally, don't forget to budget for maintenance costs, such as seawalls or erosion control measures, essential for safeguarding your property against wind and waves. These expenses can add up, so it's wise to dive deep into your research before taking the plunge. If you need any guidance navigating the waters of waterfront property investments, feel free to reach out to Michele Kersey. She's your go-to guru for all things Big Bear real estate!

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